Do icon links that open in a new tab or browser window have appropriate alt text?


Ensure that users are notified when a link is going to open in a new tab or browser window.

Why this matters

It’s helpful for users to know if a link is going to open a new window, especially if they use a screen reader or screen magnifier. Without the notification, it’s easy for users to become lost, not knowing that their context has changed.

How to implement

Two approaches:

  • Ensure that the alt attribute or <svg> <title> attribute being used as alt text reflects that the link will open in a new tab.
  • Ensure an aria-label or aria-labelledby attribute on the link itself reflects that the link will open in a new tab.

In either case, ensure you’re using the content provided by your Writer.

How to test

For each icon link that opens a new window:

  • Does the screen reader indicate that the link will open in a new window?
  • Is the alt text or label as specified by your Writer?